OMS News
Why do we need pest control?
Why do we need Pest Control?Pests are usually a significant problem whether in the workplace or in public places, where when infested can be harmful to human and animal health. All kinds of pests carry numerous bacteria and viruses. Pest contamination in food can...
Buying a Franchise: The Pros and Cons
An OMS Facilities Maintenance Franchise is the perfect way to own your own business and minimise the risks while you work on building a better mix of lifestyle and income.Entering the business industry is not a settlement you make in just one day. Aside from...
The Differences between Sanitisation and Disinfection & How We Are Keeping You Safe
What is the difference between cleaning, sanitising and disinfecting? It is easy (and tempting) to pile these terms together and use them interchangeably. ‘The desk has been disinfected’ versus ‘The desk has been cleaned’ may sound similar to a lay person; however,...
Does Your Restaurant Shine Like it Should?
Does your restaurant shine like it should? Here at OMS we understand time is valuable and you shouldn’t have to worry about the cleanliness of your business while trying to run it. We clean some of the most revered venues across South East Queensland and we would love...
What is Nano Coating Technology?
Cleaning technology has come a long way in protecting your fabrics, floors and fixtures with one of the most recent advancements - nano coating technology. Nano is 1000 times smaller than an atom which allows it to penetrate into the surface affecting the density...
8 Reasons Why Cleaning is Important in the Workplace
The impact of a clean workplace is often overlooked however having a clean work environment significantly impacts employees and your success as a business. We've summarised 8 key reasons why cleaning is important in the workplace: 1. Cleaning prevents the spread of...
The Massive Risks in Hiring an Unregistered Contractor
Did you know there are massive risks involved in hiring an unregistered contractor to complete work on your behalf? While it may seem tempting to go down this route to save funds, there are implications that could land you in some serious strife. For example: Fines:...
Commercial Cleaning & Facilities Maintenance Specialists
We’ve had so many clients say to us lately ‘Wow! I didn’t know you did that!’ so we thought it was time we touched base to give you a quick update on our extended range of facilities maintenance services. Our focus has been, and always will be, on providing the...